When I get my brothers, I want them to go lobstering with my Grandpa and me. When I go on lobstering trips, I get to hold lobsters, starfish, and sea cucumbers. I want them to see the cool stuff! When I hold lobsters, I have to be careful so they do not pinch my fingers off! When we are done with the old bait, we throw it to the seagulls. The seagulls fly around the boat and dive in the water to devour the bait. We have a good time.
"Waiting for May" is a book about a family adopting a baby from China and waiting a long time. The pictures and the story are by Janet Morgan Stoeke. My favorite part is when the family gets to meet May. It reminds me about when I got my sister Susu. When the family got May she cried just as Susu cried. In the end, May loved her family just as Susu did. This book was exciting and awesome.
Here is a picture of me and Susu when we adopted her.
I want to tell you three good things about being adopted. If you are adopted, you get more family. It goes like this. You start out with a birth family, then you might get a foster family, and then you get an adoptive family. That is how you get more family. I also like being adopted because I get to have two special days, a birthday and an adoption day. This means I get more presents. If you are adopted you get more love because your birth family loves you, your foster family loves you, and your adoptive family loves you! That is how you get more love! Those are the three good things about being adopted.
I read this really good book. It is called "The Ugly Vegetables". The author is Grace Lin. I liked it because the pictures are colorful. The book has a recipe for ugly vegetable soup in the back of the book. Ugly vegetables are Chinese vegetables. The best part of the book is when Lin and her Mom become better friends with their neighbors by sharing soup and flowers. I have become better friends with my neighbors by sharing with them also. If you want to read this book, you can get it at your library or on Amazon.com.
If you adopt from China, you will get to see cool things. You might see a pagoda or a dragon parade. You can try stuff like spicy snake and baby octopus. But best of all you will get a child who will love you and you can love too. If you want to see some kids who need families, you can go to the Love Without Boundaries blog or you can sponsor kids at Love Without Boundaries. The pictures below are all kids who need families.
Patrick needs a family right away!
Annabelle Lee
Jonah is not from China but he really needs a family too!
When we go to China, I am going to go to the Love Without Boundaries Cleft Healing Home. I helped sponsor a boy named Joseph who has a cleft lip. He is one year old. When I go to the Cleft Healing Home, I hope to see Joseph. I want to have a picture with him. I hope he gets a good family soon!
I am writing this blog because I want to tell you about my two new brothers who my parents are adopting from China. Maybe after you have read my blog, you will want to adopt too. One of my brothers is 4 years old and the other is 13. They are foster brothers. My younger brother, Jacob, likes to go fishing, play outside, and eat. My older brother Levi likes to draw and sing. We are going to China soon to get them and I am looking forward to seeing my brothers!